Parish Council
The Council shall be composed of one ex-officio member, five members by right of office, and six members of the parish by the following guidelines:
The pastor is an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the Council. He shall become a member of the Council at the first Council meeting following his appointment by the Bishop and shall be a member of the Council as long as he retains the office.
The chairpersons of the five commissions will be voting members of the Council by right of office.
The six remaining members of the Council will be elected by the Pastoral Council from a presented by the nominating committee for a three-year term.
Each year elected members whose terms are expiring will be replaced on the Council.
If a Council member is unable to complete his/her term of office, the Council shall appoint a replacement who will serve the remaining duration of said term.
The commissions are the major working bodies of the Council. These commissions are explained below:
The CHRISTIAN WORSHIP COMMISSION will include representatives from the music, altar servers, ushers, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, and chairman of the liturgy committee.
The CHRISTIAN SERVICE COMMISSION will include representatives from the Women’s Group, Holy Name Society, Family Ministry and Peace and Justice Committee.
The CHRISTIAN EDUCATION COMMISSION will include representatives from the Religious Education, and RCIA programs.
The ADMINISTRATION COMMISSION will include representatives from the finance committee, building and maintenance committee.
The ART & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION will include a representative as a voting body on the council.
The chairperson of each commission will be appointed by the pastor.
Rev. Michael Powell
Lucy Lawrence-President/Worship Commission
Rick Hanson-Vice President
Angela Jones-Secretary
Jennifer Dixon
Diane Gagnon
Pat Brown-Administration Commission
Carol Lareau-Art & Environment Commission
Janet Loy-Christian Service Commission
Kathy Webster-Religious Education Commission
Ryan Loy-Pastoral Associate & Facilitator/Non voting Member
Ex-officio Member
St. Mary's Parish Council Members