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Parish Council


The Council shall be composed of one ex-officio member, five members by right of office, and six members of the parish by the following guidelines:

  • The pastor is an ex-officio (non-voting) member of the Council. He shall become a member of the Council at the first Council meeting following his appointment by the Bishop and shall be a member of the Council as long as he retains the office.

  • The chairpersons of the five commissions will be voting members of the Council by right of office.

  • The six remaining members of the Council will be elected by the Pastoral Council from a presented by the nominating committee for a three-year term.

  • Each year elected members whose terms are expiring will be replaced on the Council.

  • If a Council member is unable to complete his/her term of office, the Council shall appoint a replacement who will serve the remaining duration of said term.


The commissions are the major working bodies of the Council. These commissions are explained below:


  • The CHRISTIAN WORSHIP COMMISSION will include representatives from the music, altar servers, ushers, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, and chairman of the liturgy committee.

  • The CHRISTIAN SERVICE COMMISSION will include representatives from the Women’s Group, Holy Name Society, Family Ministry and Peace and Justice Committee.

  • The CHRISTIAN EDUCATION COMMISSION will include representatives from the Religious Education, and RCIA programs.

  • The ADMINISTRATION COMMISSION will include representatives from the finance committee, building and maintenance committee.

  • The ART & ENVIRONMENT COMMISSION will include a representative as a voting body on the council.

  • The chairperson of each commission will be appointed by the pastor.




Rev. Michael Powell





Lucy Lawrence-President/Worship Commission

Rick Hanson-Vice President

Angela Jones-Secretary

Jennifer Dixon

Diane Gagnon

Pat Brown-Administration Commission

Carol Lareau-Art & Environment Commission

Janet Loy-Christian Service Commission 

Kathy Webster-Religious Education Commission

Ryan Loy-Pastoral Associate & Facilitator/Non voting Member






Ex-officio Member


St. Mary's Parish Council Members

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